Our Mission

The Cybersecurity Center will only achieve its vision by working with like-minded partners on problems of mutual interest and concern. Our partnerships will focus on the broad application of the Center’s research, education and innovation for the public benefit.

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News & Events

The Ownership of Learning: Undergraduate Student Works to Protect Education Nov 30, 2023Sarah Flanery photo Sarah Flanery, a junior in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is researching possible protection measures for education using decentralized identity (DID) certificates and Web 3.0 data structures. Her trip to the November 2023 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems and Applications in Atlanta,… (read more...)
Texas A&M Cybersecurity Center Conducts Cyber Summer Camps for Local Students Oct 31, 2023photo of students at computers This summer, staff and faculty from the Texas A&M Cybersecurity Center conducted cybersecurity camps for high school students across Texas. These camps, funded through the Cybersecurity Center’s Cyber Leader Development Program (CLDP), aimed to spark interest in cybersecurity through hands-on exercises with programming and electronics. In all, the summer camps… (read more...)